January 11, 2025

The results of a recent housing study conducted by the Anderson County Development Agency brought no surprises. It says Garnett and the surrounding area is lacking affordable housing to attract workers to the area.

Amy Haase of St. Louis-based RDG Planning and Design says it will take actions from multiple agencies to fix. The Development Agency could assemble a group of lenders and private partners for a Housing Development Fund to offer Gap Financing. The city could fund housing for those earning just over 80% of the area median income. Local government could help by reducing costs by relaxing codes and zoning and ordinances and the extension of infrastructure, in addition to offering rehabilitation programs like the current Neighborhood Revitalization Program. The Housing Authority could develop new,over 55 residential options and freeing up present homes occupied by those individuals, for the local market. In March, only seven homes were on the market for sale in Garnett as compared to some 30 units in 2019.