A big win for foster care children and families yesterday. Kansas Governor Laura Kelly signed House Bill 2024, sponsored by the committee on child welfare and foster care, extending basic rights to over 6,000 abused and neglected children living in foster care. Darcy olsen, ceo of the center for the rights of abused children says children in kansas have a brighter future because of the action. the new law guarantees abused and neglected children the right to live with their siblings, to visit family, and to live with family and kin whenever possible. The reform also supports the relatives, kin, and foster families who open their homes to children by guaranteeing their access to vital information and participation in case planning.
The bill established the gail finney memorial foster care bill of rights, outlining the rights of foster youth, foster parents, and family caregivers. Finney is a former legislator who, for a long time worked tirelessly to improve foster care in kansas