January 11, 2025

Today is Arbor Day. What’s that you ask. It’s a day dedicated to planting and replacing trees.

The first Arbor Day was established in 1872 by the Nebraska Board of Agriculture as a special tree-planting day. According to the Arbor Day Foundation website, new pioneers to the midwest missed the trees from “back home”. These pioneers knew trees could help prevent erosion and be used for windbreaks, fuel, building material and help provide shade. The very first Arbor Day saw an estimated one million trees planted. Since then, over 500 million trees have been planted thanks to the Arbor Day Foundation.

Trees play a huge role in our environment, cleaning air, filtering water, providing shade, and, if you like to breath…they make oxygen, and of course are the home to a vast variety of wildlife. There are over 60,000 species of trees.

Do yourself and future generations a favor, plant a few trees, not only today, but any day of the year.