They say it’s important to drink eight, eight ounce cups of water a day to stay hydrated. Some people require more; but; it seems hard to drink that much. But wait, why is that hard when we can sit down with friends and guzzle eight to 10 beers in just a few hours. Beer has water, it can hydrate you, right? Well, not so much. Alcohol acts as a diuretic, which causes you to pass more urine so when it comes to alcoholic beverages hydration will depend on a beverage’s total volume. Beer would result in less water loss than say, whiskey because you are ingesting more fluid with beer. “Strong” alcoholic drinks will dehydrate at a faster rate.
You say you get your water by drinking coffee… not good either. It depends on the caffeine intake. A regular 12 ounce coffee has about 80 milligrams of caffeine and that would hydrate you, but drink four cups, 300 milligrams then the coffee acts as a diuretic.
When it come to keeping hydrated, most experts say just stick with water.