January 12, 2025

Have you noticed a huge increase in moths swarming your outdoor lights and flying into your house at any chance they get.

Moths, by the masses, are now hiding in many Kansas garage doors, cars, and patios. Experts say these army cutworms are native to Kansas. Two contributing factors are making the moths more of a nuisance this year. The problem has brought a surge of calls to pest control companies who say they have never seen it like this. Warmer temperatures are allowing the insects to grow longer, and the drought isn’t helping either. Experts say the moths won’t lay eggs or do damage to your home and soon, the pesky problem should be gone. Over the next few weeks, the moths will head west to pollinate flowers and become a source of food for grizzly bears. As we wait for them to migrate, experts say turning off unnecessary lights at night can help remove them. The moths should die off or migrate by sometime in June. In the meantime, this expert says there is one way to deal with them…