If you live in Anderson County, you’ve been saving money for the past two months on things you have purchased. Why and how much? The ‘why’ part is because the Anderson County sales tax dropped a half percent at the end of 2022 due to the retirement of debt on the Anderson County Jail. Voters enacted that tax back in 2007 to help finance the building. It ended on December 31st as that debt was paid off, early as a matter of fact. How much did people save? Almost $18,000 stayed in the pockets of residents the past two months. Unfortunately, higher prices due to inflation and other things drove prices up for the most part and we paid more, but, still without the tax, a bit less than it would have been.
The most recent distribution reports showing money that came back to taxing units in April was collected from February sales, remitted to the Department of Revenue in March by retailers and paid out in April.