You may have heard that there are some changes being made in the Oscar Meyer Company. You know the company that has one of the coolest vehicles out there, the Weinermobile. But…times are changing and the company says they are changing the name of the iconic cars in their meat fleet to the Frankmobile…..what’s that you say… Yep, the new name is the Frankmobile. They say…it’s to draw attention to their all beef franks. They will also be giving away, frank whistles, formerly known as weiner whistles and the drivers will no longer be called Hotdoggers, but be called Frankfurters. Just my opinion, but can you ruin people’s childhood memories any more? What are they going to do with the iconic song? I wish I was an Oscar Meyer “frank”…doesn’t flow very well does it? Oh, by the way, they are giving out weiners, uh, I mean franks to people named Frank or any form of the name, Franklin, Francis, Francine.
A company spokesperson says they want to see if the name Frankmobile “cuts the mustard” with it’s fans. What do you think? I, for one will always call it the Weinermobile