January 12, 2025

As the Nation recovers more and more,the pandemic is in the rear view of our Nation, struggles with high inflation and gas prices seemingly rising all the time and families getting ready for summer activities, it is time to stop and reflect on the importance of Memorial Day. As we celebrate this Memorial Day, remind yourself of those sacrifices past generations have given, and those serving now and, in the future, will bear to ensure our Great Country remains strong. Tell you kids and grandchildren about it. In the words of President Ronald Reagan:

Thank you to all the men and women who have, are, and will serve our Nation. Wherever you may be, whoever you are with, take a moment and remember. The younger generation needs to know the people that came before them and what they were wiling to do to protect the liberties we have today. Tell your kids, tell your grandchildren how important this day is. Let them know, all the time, that freedom…isn’t free…