As Summer comes on and warmer temperatures take over, more and more people will be out on the road. This means there are more people driving while distracted. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 3,000 people lost their lives in 2021 due to distracted driving. The Kansas Highway Patrol views distracted driving as ‘anything that takes drivers attention away from the roadways’. Lieutenant Candice Breshears:
Distracted driving can take many forms: from mental distractions such as talking over bluetooth or with fellow passengers, to physical distractions like eating and drinking, or texting and switching songs on your phone. To combat distracted driving, Breshears recommends putting your phone in the backseat or a glove box before taking off. Another way to help take away the temptation of being on your phone while driving, could be putting on automatic replies while you’re out and about.