Louisburg city officials, the owner of Bub’s Bar and Grill, and bikers who participated in Michael Bergen’s Night Train Run on may 20th, all spoke during Monday’s Louisburg City Council Meeting, June 5th, in an attempt to find out what led to the charity ride’s visit being cut short in Louisburg. The one thing in common, miscommunication on both sides. The Louisburg stop of the Night Train Run, that raises money an collects toys for disadvantages kids, was interrupted when organizers say motorcycle riders were harassed by Louisburg Police Chief, Josh Weber, but he and city officials agreed that guidelines were not being followed. Bergen says he is not upset with the police department or the citizens, just with how he was treated by Weber.
Council member Clint Ernst received applause from the audience when he said things could have been handled differently, and he encouraged the group to visit the town again next year and let them do it right. Cook said the city is working to set up a separate meeting with members of all involved parties to make sure all of the issues are addressed.