The world’s oldest known living chimpanzee is having a birthday soon. Suzie, the chimp will celebrate her 68th birthday at the Sunset Zoo in Manhattan and zoo officials have planned a birthday bash to celebrate. In the wild, chimpanzees typically live into their 40s, so Suzie has surpassed that, along with setting the record, for oldest chimp to have a baby, back when she was 56 years old. Suzie will celebrate her birthday with her chimpanzee friends, with special treats including mini birthday cupcakes. Head Zookeeper Savannah Brethours says Suzie likes a lot of different “human foods”:
She adds that on her party day, they will wrap a bunch of presents and put treats in them, have party streamers, and hang signs. Suzie the chimp’s 68th birthday party will be held Monday, June 19th, from 10:00 to 10:30 and is open to the public