March 6, 2025

We have some updates and information concerning the power outages and where you can stay cool today. First, some great news for Rural Water District #6 customers. They have power back and the pumps are now working. Second, Kansas State Bank still has no power at it’s north location, however, the other two locations are up and running, and are offering free ice water.

Two places to stay cool this afternoon. ORC Director Levi Meyer says that the Goeppert Building at 15th and Ash will be open with free admission today to help those without power or AC stay cool, and, the Ottawa Library is welcoming people in today. They are open until 8:00 tonight. Head on in and charge your phone, work a puzzle, read a book or magazine, ask about other programs and most of all, stay cool. The Goat Milk Soap Store is open today for charging phones. They have chairs set up and a TV with something kid friendly on, plus free water and snacks. Stay cool today!