January 21, 2025

It’s been a busy couple of weeks for some city workers in Garnett. Not only are they doing their own jobs, but many have also answered the call for Mutual Aid for communities around the area after storms left massive amounts of damage.

First, a storm on July 14th. The city of La Harp and Iola in Allen County was devastated and the call for Mutual Aid came in, and when it did, representatives from the city of Garnett came in from all departments, volunteering to go help those communities. Then July 31st, a storm with strong winds ripped through Franklin County, leaving behind the same kind of destruction in Ottawa and the surrounding area. Again, members of the city of Garnett answered the call.

The Ottawa City Commission thanked those who came to help clean up and restore power. It’s not known who all came to Ottawa, but it doesn’t matter. The need was there and Garnett workers help fill that need. Thank you!