Kansas brought in $5.5 billion in agricultural exports with top earners like red meat, wheat and soybeans. Kansas Governor Laura Kelly says that agricultural exports capped $5.46 billion in 2022 – the highest total in decades. The industry has grown significantly since 2019 when the state saw about $3.8 billion in exports. Red meat made up just over $2 billion or 39% of experts. Corn, wheat and sorghum was second at nearly 25% and soybean oil came in third with 12.5%.
Mexico was the state’s biggest importer at just over $2 billion, Japan was next at just under a billion and Canada third at over half a billion dollars. Kansas Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Beam, traveled to meet with counterparts from Mexico, Canada and U. S. as part of the Tri-National Accord in Canada. The event strengthens relationships with key trading partners and allows leaders to discuss crucial issues.