We all have had the itch. That itching, burning feeling on our legs, ankle, maybe even our most private areas. Yep, I’m talking about chiggers and, with the heat of the summer upon us, they are plentiful. So what do you do if you get bit, and, by the way, it’s not just a bite, they stay on you, not exactly like a tick, but kinda the same thing. You can get rid of them by doing a couple things. Here’s Seasick Steve with a couple suggestions:
They are tiny bright red bugs. Young chiggers, called larva, inject saliva into human skin when they bite, which causes a red, itchy reaction. Chiggers, which are a type of mite, usually bite the ankles, lower knees, waist, groin and behind the knees. Here is some advice from the Kansas Department of Wildlife on how to get rid of the itch and the chigger itself…very similar to Seasick Steve:
Good luck and remember, chiggers will be disappearing as soon as the weather turns cold, if that ever happens.