The Trade Winds Bar and Grill in Garnett was closed for a time recently, but, it may not have been what was reported on social media or portrayed by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. It started with owner, Angi Smith’s visit to the doctor a few weeks ago, who diagnosed her with a bacteria infection, which required reporting to state health officials. In the meantime, the restaurant passed an inspection by the State Department of Agriculture who told them they could open and she could be there, but couldn’t touch anything. Angi says if she couldn’t work or help, she would just stay home.
Two days after passing the inspection, the KDHE came out with a media release indicating they were investigating an infection that may have originated at Trade Winds between the dates of July 14th and August 9th and anyone who had become sick to complete an online survey. However, Angi insists they were never ordered to close by the state and the media release came out after they passed inspection and were told they could remain open.