March 6, 2025

Miami County Commissioners have been preaching about the need to renovate and repair the historic Miami County Courthouse and build additional courtroom space for the cramped Miami County District Court. Whether or not those improvements are paid for by a new quarter-cent sales tax or potential property tax increases via future hikes in the county budget is something voters will decide when they head to the polls during the November 7th general election.

If approved, the quarter cent sales tax would fund renovation of the Administration Building to add courtroom space, plus improvements to the courthouse that are way overdue, including roof replacement, window replacement, replace HVAC units in the attic, modernize the IT system, upgrade electrical systems, repair bricks with tuckpointing, and renovate the basement, which currently houses the law library and storage and locate Community Corrections into the basement instead of its current location in the old Dr. Banks Building behind the Administration Building.