January 15, 2025

U. S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Kansas State Director, Christy Davis, has announced that the USDA is investing $49.1 million to help rural utilities build and improve clean drinking water and sanitary wastewater systems in rural Kansas. Perry will receive a $6 million loan to rehabilitate their collection system, upgrade approximately 15,000 feet of lines and other equipment, repair lift stations and install a backup generator. It will help provide the city with safe and reliable water and sewer systems for years to come.

Four other projects in Kansas, in the cities of Mankato, Girard, Humboldt and Neosho County will receive a total of nearly $33 million in loans and $20 million in grants to update everything from booster pumps, tank storage, replacing lines, installing new valves, meters and hydrants and installing new water softening systems to assist in providing adequate water for years to come.