January 15, 2025

Recently, the Ottawa City Commission passed an ordinance allowing residents to house chickens to provide eggs. Now, some people are raising cain and getting all chicken fried over possible noise from the roosters…

…questions abound. How many rooster do you have to have? Is there a way to silence them? Do we really have to listen to roosters calling at the crack of dawn every day?

Now, you would think that living in an agriculturally minded community that everyone should know, but, how old were you when you found out chickens don’t need roosters in order to produce eggs? What???? That’s right, chickens produce eggs on their own, no rooster involved. Now, if you want to hatch chicks? You’re going to need a rooster to make sure the eggs are fertilized. But, just eggs? Just give them a safe place, time and a healthy diet, and you get eggs. One rooster had this to say: