As colder weather sets in, many may be worried about being able to keep up with their gas bills this winter. No worries. The Cold Weather Rule, designed to help Kansans who are behind in their utility payments during the winter, begins tomorrow, November 1st.
Beginning tomorrow, utility companies cannot disconnect service when temperatures are forecast to be below 32 degrees within the following 48 hour period. The Cold Weather Rule also requires utility companies to offer a 12 month payment plan to allow consumers to maintain or re-establish service. Any residential customer with a past-due balance will qualify for payment arrangements; but, it is the customers responsibility to contact the gas company to make those arrangements.
Customers agree to pay 1/12th of the total amount owed, 1/12th of the current bill, the full amount of any disconnection or reconnect fee, plus any applicable deposit to the utility. The remaining balance must be paid in equal payments over the next 11 months, in addition to the current monthly bill.