The race for Garnett City Commissioner was not determined in yesterday’s election. After all the votes were received, Mark Powls led the way with 98 votes, however, there are 441 write in votes that will ultimately decide who is going to take the open seat on the City Commission. Powls and Shehan were the only two names on the ballot, but in an interesting twist last week, Shehan essentially dropped out of the race and endorsed a write in candidate, Nate Weel. Weel and Paula Scott both submitted their names as write in candidates for the commissioner seat.
Sheahan, has been involved in controversy much of the past year over criticism of Department Director Phil Bures over the department’s operation. Bures resigned his post in August. The race for Garnett City Commission will be resolved Monday, November 13th, when all the write in votes are counted at the County Canvas at 10:00 that morning.