January 15, 2025

Results are in from yesterday’s elections and voters in Paola shot down the proposed 40 million dollars School Bond Proposal and Miami County voters said no to a quarter cent sales tax for renovations to the Miami County Courthouse. According to the Miami County Republic, the School Bond Proposal failed with 1,492 “no” votes and 1,004 “yes” votes. The quarter-cent sales tax proposal for the Courthouse failed with 3,102 “no” votes and 2,096 “yes”.

In Osawatomie, osawatomie voters renewed the city’s quarter-cent sales tax for public safety equipment with 233 “yes” votes to 180 “no” votes. And Challenger Spencer Eble defeated Incumbent Ben Wendt 368 to 316 votes for a seat on the Osawatomie School Board. All results are unofficial until the County Canvas, which will be held one week from tomorrow, November 15.