January 15, 2025

The question on the ballot asking voters to decide if they wanted to drop the 30% food requirement for establishments serving liquor by the drink was overwhelming approved, getting 2093 votes or 74% . The question stemmed from several local business owners that were struggling to make 30% of their sales from food. The issue was brought to the attention of the city and county by the owners of Not Lost Brewery. They say their intent was to provide customers with quality craft beers and not offer a full menu of food items. With the vote, the rule requiring 30% of sales to come from food will be dropped.

The Kansas Legislature initiated the rule for counties to opt into back in the late 1980’s and Franklin County voted in the rule in 1994. Because it was voted in by the public back then, the County Commission could not just opt out, it had to be decided by a public vote.