If you see an uptick of wedding ceremonies and receptions at the old Post Office Lincoln Event Center in downtown Ottawa in the near future, there is a reason. The Bowery and Bull Creek Distillery in Spring Hill closed without notice recently, a chain linked gate and a sign that says foreclosure blocking people from getting inside. That left dozens of soon to be brides scrambling to find new venues, including Allison Muckel and her fiancé Mathew Sutton who paid $9000 for the venue and were supposed to get married at the Bowery on Saturday. They quickly went to the Lincoln Center and asked for help. They weren’t alone, since then, 20 other couples have ask to come to Ottawa for rescheduled wedding venues. Owner of the Lincoln Event Space, Blake Harris;
Harris isn’t charging Muckel and Sutton a dime for their troubles, his team is covering the costs. He says he is working with the other couples to offset the cost of what they have already paid, because, it; just the right thing to do. Most don’t think they will get any of their money back from the other venue.