Governor Laura Kelly announced that $28.5 million in grants were awarded to 12 entities through the Lasting Infrastructure and Network Connectivity, or LINC program. The LINC program provides strategic funding for crucial aspects of broadband connectivity to reduce the cost of internet service, increase availability, and improve performance. With matching funds from service providers, the total broadband investment in LINC is expected to surpass $33.9 million. Among those receiving funding was Kwic Com for Osage County at just over $4 million to connect 504 homes, Mokan Dial in Miami County at just under $3 million to connect 550 homes, and Vyve in Anderson County for $1.2 million to connect 119 homes.
Senate President Ty Masterson says it is another important investment in high-speed broadband infrastructure so robust economic growth can be fully realized by Kansans residing in every corner of the state