January 15, 2025

The race for the Garnett City Commission open spot in the general election back in November was an important one, to say the least. Write in candidate Nate Wiehl overwhelming won the vote to gain the seat on the Commission held by Mayor Jason Shehan. However, there were some other interesting write in votes.

That’s right, rock icon Ted Nugent received a vote for the Garnett City Commission. Can’t you see Uncle Ted heading up a Garnett City Commission meeting? Interestingly, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also received a vote for Position 1 on the USD 365 School Board. Silly votes are sometime the frustration of voters with local candidates.

Anderson County Clerk Julie Wettstein says it’s not clear why people write in names of people who are not qualified voters in the county, but, it is every voters right to put whatever name they choose.