Yesterday, December 11th, the Kansas Early Childhood Transition Task Force presented its final report and outlined how the Sunflower State can better serve children and families. The report says their final recommendation would be to consolidate Kansas’ early childhood care and education services into one entity and reduce the burden on children and families attempting to navigate the current system. The final report drew from a series of public input sessions held statewide throughout the summer and highlights the need to consolidate services to reduce red tape and burdens on families.
Governor Laura Kelly says other recommendations included the collection and sharing of data that could improve the provision and accountability of services as well as provide greater support for families and businesses who seek access to or provide childcare. Kelly says she will take the recommendations under advisement and decide next steps to begin a process to unify the state’s early childhood services. The task force included representatives from the business, government, advocacy and early childhood sectors, as well as members of the state legislature.