January 12, 2025

If you want to buy gasoline at the least expensive price in Kansas, look no further that Anderson County. Although gas prices in the county are starting to climb toward $3.00 a gallon, analysts say the price increase should be temporary while Anderson County shows the lowest prices in the region. But even with that price spike, Anderson County gas retailers were selling regular unleaded around $2.79, in the range of $2.69 to $2.83 per gallon according to AAA rankings – the lowest anywhere in contiguous counties and as of last week the lowest in all of east central Kansas. However, prices are leveling out.

Gas price affects a lot of Anderson countians, as nearly 50% of the workforce travels outside the county for work. For the vast majority, the commute is 26 minutes to work, one way, with about 20% of the county commuters travel 45 minutes or more, one way to their job. A vast majority make the trip alone, bearing the entirety of the cost of gas. They hope the analysts are right and prices fall even further throughout the county.