January 12, 2025

The city of Ottawa has three stormwater improvement projects in their capital improvement plan. One is on Oak and Poplar, another on Cedar from 9th to 11th and a third involves Skunk Run. The concrete on the floor of Skunk Run, between 5th and Hickory and Main, is deteriorating at a rapid rate. There is rebar exposed in the floor and replacement and rehabilitation needs to happen soon. City engineers say that the exposed rebar in the floor and gaps and cracks in the floor are the beginning of structural issues, and pose a danger to the public. If not addressed soon, it could get to the point of complete reconstruction instead of just repairs. Finance Director Melanie Landis says that the city would like to make repairs quickly this year. She adds that the cost of engineering for the project can be paid out of the stormwater utility fund. The city estimates the cost of repairs to Skunk Run to be about $300,000.