Governor Laura Kelly announced yesterday that 58 projects at 37 airports have been selected to receive $14.3 million through the Kansas Airport Improvement Program. The only airport to receive funds in the KOFO listening area is the Osage City Municipal Airport. They received $500,000 for pavement rehabilitation and airfield lighting.
The Kansas Department of Transportation’s Division of Aviation received 135 applications seeking more than $84 million for projects in this round of grants. The selected projects focus on pavement preservation, safety, and air ambulance accessibility. Governor Kelly says improvements made to our aviation infrastructure are vital to local economies, even in rural parts of Kansas, and help Kansans have access to renewed and reliable transportation options available to them in every region of the state.
The Federal Aviation Association, or FAA, says they value and recognize the importance of small, rural airports across the country. The movement of goods, services and people at these smaller airports is quite surprising.