Some good news, of sorts, for Miami County property owners. After receiving appraisal statements this past week, overall values did go up, but nowhere close to last year’s jump. According to County Appraiser Sandra Lucas, Miami County’s median residential property valuation in 2024 went up 2.33% from last year. She says the housing market is still strong, but starting to slide downward. She added that most properties that increased by more than 10% had new construction that contributed to the increase. Also, values that decreased typically were a result of decreases in agricultural land values from the state of Kansas. In Miami County, 13,68% of taxes collected go to road and bridge, 23.85% for sheriff and jail operations and 21 point 67 percent.67% for county administration.
Commissioners noted they had received quite a few phone calls regarding big increases in valuation. Residents have until March 31st to appeal the appraisal.