New details about the shooting at the Chief’s Rally in February. A third adult is now facing murder charges in connection with the Chiefs Parade and Rally shooting. Twenty-year-old Terry Young is facing four federal charges related to the fatal shooting outside Union Station on February 14th. Young has been charged with second-degree murder, the unlawful use of a weapon and two counts of armed criminal action. Two other adults, Dominic Miller and Lyndell Mays are also facing second-degree murder charges. All three men are charged, in addition to two unidentified juveniles who are also facing gun-related charges, in connection with the shooting. Three other men are facing gun trafficking charges related to weapons found outside of Union Station after the deadly incident. Twelve people are believed to have drawn weapons at the Super Bowl celebration and six opened fire.
According to charging documents, Young and two others approached an individual in another group and began arguing. At first it was believed that Mays, was the first person to pull out a firearm. However, after reviewing security tape, Young is now is accused of pulling a firearm in response and pointing it toward the other group. More charges are expected in the incident that killed Lisa Lopez Galvan and wounded 22 other people.