Kansas Senator Caryn Tyson says the Kansas budget is so full of ‘pork’, you might think it was a bacon factory. According to Tyson, it increases spending 13.9%, over a billion dollars in just the first year. Although there are some good things in the budget, she says the waste far outweighs the good. She is hoping the final budget will get a lot of the fat trimmed out of it in Conference Committee. It passed the senate. She voted no.
Also, for the second time this session tax relief passed the senate. It would provide property, income , and sales tax relief for taxpayers, but, the house buried it and introduced a tax bill of their own. Then, in committee, they gutted Senate Bill 300 and inserted the contents of House Bill 28-44, in what is referred to as “gut-n-go”. It did pass out of the House. Tyson says it gives a much smaller tax cut to Kansans