Kansas has had the embossed, or raised license tags, for several years, but, apparently they’re wearing out, prompting the state to have everyone switch over to the new flat tags this year. If you have, or will go in to renew your tags soon, there is a display model of what the new tag looks like. I renewed mine the other day, three days late by the way, thank you to the Ottawa Police for not pulling me over. Anyway when you renew, you’ll get a temporary paper plate and a decal. But, don’t put the decal on your old tag. Wait till you get the new one, which takes a week to 10 days. Officials say to keep the old plate on, keep the new materials in the car, so, incase you are pulled over, you can show the officer that you are renewed and that you’re good. They won’t cite people that are waiting on the new tag.
If you are excited about getting the new tag design, hold that enthusiasm, as the tag people are just now getting the new design. Also, depending on what month you’re required to renew your tag, will depend on whether or not you receive the old or new design for the plates. The Kansas Department of Revenue said they do not have an exact date for when the new design will be available, but they expect it will be before the end of the year.