A big congratulations to the Ottawa High School Music Department. They wrapped up the Regional Solo and Small Ensemble Festival in DeSoto. All the participants for the Cyclone’s scored at least a “two” rating with three receiving a “one” rating, qualifying them for the state competition next week. Ava Thompson and Addyson Brown both received superior rating and will perform at the State Solo April 27th. Also congratulations to the Cyclone Percussion Trio of Aiden Finch, Jaydon Alexander and Luca Shaner for the Division One rating.
Also, nice work by the Cyclone FFA students that competed at the Miami County Aggie Days recently, featuring teams from all across the state. The Milk Quality Team of Greyson Welch, Shane Circle and Ross Spencer finished 7th overall and the Horse Evaluation Team of Mackenzie Cunningham. Laura Wingert, Emalie Powell, Madi Bayer, Kelly Funk and Somer Gregg finished 5th.