Newly appointed Garnett Municipal Court Judge, Steve Wilson, isn’t messing around. He is cleaning up the courtroom, and in a big way. He says the style of dress and conduct exhibited by many patrons in City Court flies in the face of proper decorum. Therefore, as of now a dress code and other rules will be enforced. Wilson said from now on courtroom participants will be expected to dress the part – no more tank tops, halter tops, no bare midriffs, no slippers, thongs or flip-flops. No clothing with foul language or obscene gestures. Pants must be worn at the belt line, no visible undergarments, and boots or shoes must be worn at all times.
Wilson says if you’re going to court, you need to dress and act like you’re doing something important. He adds that court is no place for children so patrons will have to make arrangements before coming to court, as there will be no one under the age of 12 allowed in the courtroom or the courtroom lobby. He says change has to start somewhere, so why not in small towns like Garnett.
Wilson has also announced his candidacy for Anderson County Attorney in the upcoming primary election.