January 11, 2025

If you are still wondering why cell phone service was lost Wednesday afternoon, April 17th, details are slowly coming in. AT&T spokesman Tracy Donalson says an equipment failure and a fiber optic line that was cut are to blame. And, Guess where that cut happened? Franklin County. One little cut and it wiped out AT&T service to several counties, including Franklin,Douglas, Osage and Shawnee Counties and it also affected 911 service in at least Franklin and Shawnee County.

The cut also led to more far reaching problems as T-Mobile experienced an equipment failure at one of their primary locations, producing wide-spread service problems on several cell towers in Kansas, and the loss of cell phone service for their company. All this because of a tiny cut in a fiber optic line in Franklin County.

Details of where that cut happened and who may have been responsible have not been released, but many are speculating on who the culprit might have been. Either way, service is back up and the outage shows how dependent we are on technology such as phone service and internet.

How did we ever survive growing up in the 60’s 70’s and 80’s?