Anderson County Commissioners say they’re giving up on a legal avenue to force a vendor to fix the computer kiosks on the county’s Veterans Memorial, and instead will go with a different method of delivering the information that hopefully will make the local veterans database available to people worldwide. County Legal Counsel James Campbell says chances are low they would get anywhere with Advanced Kiosks, of Concord, New Hampshire, as the warranty had expired. He says commissioners are looking into a redesign that uses the existing database of veteran photos and info and cover the kiosk screens with a plate containing a QR code. That code could be scanned with a cell phone and provide access to the county’s veterans database, without using the non-functional advanced kiosks touch screens, which haven’t worked correctly since the memorial was dedicated in June of 2021.
The topic of the non-working kiosks came to a head earlier this month after a statement from Garnett’s Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion Posts expressing concern that the ongoing issue with the faulty kiosks had never been resolved.