The Osawatomie High School and Middle School will see leadership changes next year. At the high school Dr. Malcolm Birnell will take the reins as principal. He’s from the small town of Chinook in northern Montana. Birnell brings 23 years in the education profession, starting as a health and PE teacher for middle school and high school, and has coached everything from basketball to cross country, track and swimming. He has also spent a decade as a Dean of Students at JC Harmon High School in Kansas City, eventually becoming an Assistant Principal in 2021.
At the Middle School, Dr. Terry Newman will be the new principal. She has 20 years in education, including seven in an elementary classroom, four as a elementary counselor and nine years as a high school counselor. She says those experiences have provided her with invaluable opportunities for professional growth and cemented her dedication to working with students. She looks forward to what the students in Osawatomie have in store for her.