January 10, 2025

Have you ever kicked off your shoes and cruised down the highway with the wind in your hair? It might feel liberating, but a nagging question might linger in the back of your mind: “is driving barefoot actually illegal?” A lot of people believe it is illegal, but…..not true says the law book. But is it safe? Well, that’s another story. Supporters of barefoot driving often argue it allows for better feel and control of the pedals. However, opponents highlight the potential downsides: reduced feel can make it harder to modulate pressure on the pedals, especially in emergency situations. Lack of grip from bare feet can lead to slipping off the pedals when braking or accelerating. Objects like pebbles can get lodged underfoot, causing momentary distraction and compromising control and one big one…burns from hot pedals on a sunny day or cold weather discomfort can be unpleasant and distracting.

Now, let’s make this perfectly clear… there is no law in the state of Kansas, or any other state for that matter, that prohibits driving barefoot, so, kick, of your shoes and enjoy!

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