Ottawa Mayor, Mike Skidmore, proudly presented a proclamation to 104 year old Mary McMahon recently, celebrating her remarkable journey. Skidmore says Mary’s wisdom and warmth inspire us all. When asked for her secret to reaching 104, she quipped “well that’s my secret”. Mayor Skidmore interpreted that as spunk. She was born in Minnesota and after finishing 8th grade she worked on the family farm milking cows and then as a waitress at a local restaurant. She married and she and her husband raised four children on the family farm in Minnesota. Mary moved to Kansas in 2018 and has been a resident of Rock Creek the past 18 months.
She was born when President Wilson was in office and she has lived through 19 presidents, outliving most of them. Mayor Skidmore said “it was a great honor to read her the proclamation announcing May 12th as Mary McMahon day in Ottawa”. When the mayor told her he plans to be back next year to do the same thing for her 105th, she said she will be looking forward to it.
Here’s to a life well-lived and many more cherished moments ahead! Skidmore says he plans to announce proclamations to other Ottawa residents 100 years old and older in the near future.