An interesting project out of the University of Kansas could help get a better understanding of the Ogallala Aquifer. Low flying helicopters will tow large hexagonal fame of scientific equipment designed to map geologic structures and groundwater resources to depths of one thousand feet below the land surface. The helicopter will be flown at about 50 mph by pilots who are specially trained for low-level flying and have a great deal of experience with airborne electromagnetic surveys.
The project is funded through the state of Kansas and will mimic surveys done in Wyoming. It will cover 20,000 square miles with electromagnetic surveys, and will map groundwater conditions in the Ogallala Aquifer in northwest Kansas Groundwater Management District Number 4. The Kansas Geological Survey is a nonregulatory research and service division of the University of Kansas. KGS scientists study and provide information about the state’s geologic resources and hazards, including groundwater, oil and natural gas, rocks, minerals, and earthquakes.