January 10, 2025

Get out your calendar and mark this date down and keep it open. Bo’s Hog Wild Brewfest, BBQ and Kid Fest has set the date for this year’s event. It will take place August 24th from 4:00 to 8:00 and will include a kids fest and family party that includes BBQ and a band. This year’s Hog Wild will benefit five charities that serve local youth, including COF Training Services, CASA of the 4th District, serving Franklin, Anderson, Douglas and Coffey counties, “Just Food”, an emergency food assistance organization in Lawrence, and “Spark Wheel” helping students with limited resources.

This will be the 37th year for Bo’s Hog Wild. Over the years it has grown into one of the largest music and kids fests in the area, raising money for area organizations that support the needs of children. Last year alone they raised over $122,000 for four organizations. Information on ticket sales will be released as the event draws nearer.

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