January 10, 2025

The Anderson County “Dogs” youth trap shooting team, is taking careful aim on the Kansas State Shoot in Sedgwick near Wichita the weekend of June 15th thru the 16th, and they’re hoping a June 29th Taco Dinner and Mouse Race fundraiser will help raise funds for a new trap range and supplies for the team. The current trap shooting facility in Lake Garnett Park, was built in the 1930’s as part of the WPA project. Organizers and team supporters hope to completely refurbish the facility into a modern shooting range. Coach Kevin Malone says it isn’t just about shooting skill and the competition. There’s safety and range protocol that shooting clubs instill in kids, and the earlier people make it a habit for them, the better shooters they are, and the safer they are for themselves and for everyone. Event organizer Courtney Tucker says proceeds from the June 29th fundraiser will also raise money for shells and targets for the team and also registration fees for the competition shoots it attends.

The taco dinner will be held Saturday, June 29th at 5:00, with mouse races starting at 6, at the fairgrounds Community Building in Lake Garnett Park.

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