January 10, 2025

The city of Ottawa respects the tradition of leaving decorations on gravesites for Memorial Day; however, according to Municipal Code… “the cemetery staff will remove and dispose of all decorations left outside of the monument one week after each of these holidays or at such times the cemetery staff determines necessary to maintain the cemetery”.

Starting today,June 4th, they will be removing any decorations that were left outside the monument. All decorations left on the actual monument will not be removed.

City crews would like to remind everyone that there are some policies that need to be followed with the decorations. One shepard hook with a single hook is allowed per grave space. It must be mounted on the side of the monument in the grass or mounted in the base as long as it is in a sleeve to allow for easy removal by cemetery staff, if necessary for maintenance. The Wreaths Across Franklin County wreaths will not be disturbed.

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