January 10, 2025

We are coming up fast on fresh fruit and vegetables season. Some of us will be growing it, others will be growing it, and still others will be buying it at the store or local farmers’ market. Either way, it’s important to wash all your fruits and vegetables. Not doing so could expose you to bacteria that can cause foodborne illness. Unwashed fruits and veggies can carry salmonella, e coli and listeria bacteria; which, in case you didn’t know, can make you very sick. Experts say avoiding bacteria actually starts at the store. They say to avoid any produce that is bruised or damaged and don’t buy pre cut, bagged or packaged fruit and vegetables that are not refrigerated. Even if it looks good on the outside, if it has brown, blotchy appearance on the inside it could mean it is infested with fruit flies, who may have laid their eggs under the skin.

The USDA warns against washing produce with soap or any commercial wash, as produce is porus and the soap may not wash off fully, but actually soak in. Wash them in clean cold running water and pat them dry with paper towels. They say if you have any question that food may or may not be spoiled, use the old adage— if in doubt, throw it out.

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