January 10, 2025

The Osawatomie Planning and Zoning Commission has been hard at work over the last several months preparing the foundations of the city’s first ever Comprehensive Plan. Now they are ready to hear from the public. They are posting different drafts of each chapter this month. A daily survey will debut with each chapter so feedback can be targeted in manageable sections. They say these surveys will be important as the community begins to finalize the document. The city will also offer in-person listening sessions. The first will be Thursday, June 12th, at the City Center from noon to 8:00 in the evening. Visitors will be asked several questions.

What is a Comprehensive Plan and why have it? How should they tap into the city’s history. Where should new homes and commercial areas be. How big do you want the city to get and what are the economics of Osawatomie. They ask people to take time to talk with other people on topics and ideas that will carry Osawatomie beyond 2040 and even into the 22nd century.

Be part of the future. Take the survey, and stop by City Center to talk about it with officials.

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