January 10, 2025

Work to widen and improve Old Highway 50 will begin soon. The project will widen the existing surface 24 feet with 7 foot gravel shoulders, provide edge line and centerline rumble strips, update all signage and extended culverts as needed on the highway from Iowa Road to Eisenhower Road. Franklin County will hold an open house Wednesday, June 26th from 5:00 to 7:00 in the Commission Chambers at the Annex for people to make comments, ask questions, and for county officials to share details about the project.

To pay for the improvements, Franklin County was awarded a Cost Share Grant of $1.5 million, with the remaining funds coming from Carryover Funds in the Public Works budget, Federal Funds Exchange and ARPA Funds.

Work is scheduled to begin July 8th and is expected to be complete by October 25th.

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