January 10, 2025

The Goeppert State Bank in Garnett celebrated its 125th anniversary recently. A little history for you…it was founded in 1899 by Lester Kirk. He and his son, Sennett, ran it and also built one of Garnett’s most famous houses the Kirk House.

The Kirks’ reputation and experience boosted the bank in the community and built the business into an impressive local institution, playing prominently in the pre-World War II development of the town. When the great depression hit, the bank was the only one in town that remained open. Current President, Dwight Nelson, thinks it was the conservative nature of how they operated,, that kept it open. He says it is hard to overstate the importance of banking resources in a community of Garnett’s size, which provides a source for financing and economic growth in town.

After Sennett Kirk died in 1949, his son sold controlling interests to C. H Goeppert. It expanded and brought several more banks under their umbrella. In 2012 the bank changed it’s name to the Goeppert State Service Bank. The 125th anniversary party was attended by over 200 people. Other celebrations were held in Colony, and Ottawa and another in Pomona on June 28th.

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