January 9, 2025

With the push for electric vehicles, the Kansas Department of Transportation is hoping proposals for electric vehicle charging stations will help access Federal funds available to build them, but, there just aren’t very many EV’s in the state and even fewer in Anderson County. In Anderson County, there are only seven electric vehicles registered at the Anderson County Courthouse and only two electric plug in hybrids. That’s out of 8,500 total vehicles in the county. Are charging stations in the county worth the money to put them in? Fast charging stations can cost upwards of $10,000 for equipment and installation costs, plus permits and costs associated with connecting to the electric grid.

In Kansas there are 2.6 million registered vehicles, and only 7,500 electric vehicles and 4,300 hybrids. That leaves 2.1 million gas powered plus another 78,000 diesel powered vehicles. State officials are hoping with the installation of charging stations, more Anderson County residents will jump on board and buy electric vehicles.

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